Coca J - iDnB podcast #27

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27й выпуск подкаста #iDnB.
Азбука интеллигентного звучания.

WAV: http://pdj.cc/fmAQW
iTunes: https://itun.es/i6Lm487
Все ссылки: http://idnb.info

01. livewire + soul method - hologram @ drum and bass arena
02. kasper - blockhead @ fokuz
03. schematic - switch @ blu saphir
04. chorux - it's all happening @ warm communications
05. vandera - ring the alarm (random movement remix) @ fokuz
06. flame - that day @ lush stuff
07. dj chap + andrezz - back @ liquid v
08. severity zero - so bad @ influenza media uk
09. drum origins - forward drifting @ influenza media uk
10. phaeny - blaha @ funkstuff
11. dreazz + emery - riding high fokuz
12. bcee - back to the street (feat philippa hanna) @ spearhead
13. the jazzassins - tigerstyle @ jazzsticks
14. blockwork - correct address @ influenza media uk
15. fixate - alive @ exit
16. mage - skyfall @ celsius
17. krot + rizla - my only one (feat lameduza) @ digital blus
18. need for mirrors + kabuki - slow dive @ spearhead
19. physics - dreamworld (andrezz remix) @ influenza media uk
20. conspire - dreams @ soul deep exclusives
21. bensley - to the moon @ ram
22. congo natty + la la and the boo ya - lioness @ congo natty bass
23. dub fx - colours (noise remix) @ audio porn

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